AE employs state-of-the-art geographical information systems to identify, visualize, illustrate and analyze natural resource, landscape and site level data to answer complex spatial questions. Typical analyses include 3-dimensional viewshed and topographic modeling, spatial relationship, natural resource boundaries, wildlife travel patterns, corridors and habitat associations, and much more. In addition, the Arrowwood Environmental GIS division is uniquely qualified to provide easy to read and understand maps, site plans and graphic illustrations with a background mixing natural sciences, graphic arts, cartography and building trades.
AE conducts resource and site surveys with sub-meter grade GPS, total station survey equipment and handheld gps devices. We are experienced with and can accommodate a wide variety of GIS, CAD, digital imagery and 3d modeling tools, software and file types.
AE’s GIS division produces customized field data collection tools, online “crowdsource” map tools and mobile mapping applications cost effectively and with simple interfaces for non-technical users. Map & planning tools can be printed at any size, or distributed as electronic files and online interactive maps.
• Sub-meter GPS surveying
• 3D Modeling: landscape, site and building representations
• GIS analysis, including topographic, watershed and viewshed analysis
• Site plan and project detail mapping
• Fully integrated GIS and CAD digital imaging
• Large and small format professional map production
• Digital photography, presentation graphics, image manipulation
Featured Project
Bear-scarred Beech mapping
AE's GIS director has developed handheld GPS based custom mapping applications for use by our field scientists to efficiently and consistently record not just the location but a whole host of related data and observations that can later be used in analysis and cartograph
ic presentation. When conducting resource assessments in support of a proposed wind energy facility in northern Vermont, AE ecologists noted the presence of significant numbers of bear-scarred beech trees, a critical habitat feature in Vermont. Using a combination of customized field data collection, GIS based data analysis and detailed cartography AE mapped, quantified and presented the extent of the beech stands along with considerable ecological and biological information which was analysed and used to inform the project team on design recommendations and project permitability, eventually using the information to present mitigation proposals.