Botanical Inventory and Monitoring

Text_DSC01769_cropRare, Threatened and Endangered Species

AE's qualified botanist has conducted numerous rare, threatened and endangered species inventories throughout the state of Vermont for both conservation projects and development proposals. This includes the development and implementation of rare plant mitigation plans when necessary.



NNIS ControlNon-Native Invasive Species

AE regularly conducts inventories for non-native invasive species as part of conservation and proposed development projects. Familiarity with these species as well as various measures needed to control their spread allows us to develop control plans to minimize impacts to natural resources and fulfill conditions of environmental permits. AE has also been involved in developing early detection and control standards for monitoring aquatic invasive species on Lake Champlain.


Text_MLS_20150730-218_DSCN0225_800Botanical Monitoring
AE has provided both short and long term botanical monitoring to clients for many years. This includes monitoring vegetation for potential changes associated with development, hydrological impacts or invasive species.

Featured Project

Wetland Vegetation Monitoring
AE has developed a protocol for monitoring impacts to vegetative diversity resulting from development of a solar generating facility.  Monitoring plots were established and data on vegetation diversity and abundance are collected.  Comparisons with control plots can help to determine if solar panel placement in wetland or wetland buffers is having an impact on native vegetation.
